Mistakes to Avoid When Transferring a Property Tax Base

Irrevocable Trust Loans

California Loans to Trusts

The Right Advice & The Right Trust Loan Lender 

Much to the relief of many Californians who are in the process of inheriting a home from a parent, in many case California Proposition 19 allows you keep a parents low property base on the inherited homes. However, sometimes new homeowners and beneficiaries trigger a property tax reassessment by accident, and end up facing a massive property tax reassessment. Thankfully that can all be avoided with the right advice and a loan to an irrevocable trust when one is needed. Working with Trust & Estate Attorneys and Property Tax Consultants, we have helped hundreds of clients take advantage of their Prop 19 & Prop 58 benefit with our loans to Irrevocable Trusts. In fact we have helped clients save over 21 million dollars in property taxes with our loans.

Due to rapidly increasing property values and California Proposition 13 (which helps keep property taxes low in California), we save our average client over $6,500 in property taxes each year by avoiding reassessment on an inherited home. Best of all, the process is easy and every beneficiary wins because you are able to avoid the fees associated with selling a home.

The California Parent-to-Child Exclusion

As far as parent to child transfers are concerned, when one beneficiary who is inheriting a home decides to buyout property shares inherited by co-beneficiaries (siblings) – to have complete ownership of the property, it’s easy to misstep and mistakenly trigger property tax reassessment. A parent to child property tax transfer in is line with the effort to  avoid property tax reassessment under Proposition 19’s parent-child exclusion. Therefore a loan to an irrevocable trust working in conjunction with Proposition 19 allows us to transfer property between siblings – buying out property from siblings. In many situations a loan to an irrevocable trust is needed because there is not sufficient cash assets in the trust to make an equal distribution to all child beneficiaries. That is where we come in.

Choosing the Right Trust Lender to Keep a Parent Low Property Tax  Base

Commercial Loan Corporation is one of just a handful of California lenders that will lend money directly to an irrevocable trust with no personal guarantee. We are also the only Trust & Estate Lender in California who works with hundreds of Trust & Estate Attorneys and provides them with California State Bar authorized Continuing Legal Education on the topic of Proposition 19 and lending to an irrevocable trust. If you are a client is in need of a loan to an irrevocable trust, please call us at 877-464-1066. We will answer all of your questions and provide you with a free trust loan benefit analysis.

Orange County Bar – Proposition 19 Trust Loan Presentation

Trust and Estate - Proposition 19 Loans to Irrevocable Trusts

Trust and Estate – Proposition 19 Loans to Irrevocable Trusts

On March 7th, 2022, Tanis Alonso-Kluever will be providing a Continuing Legal Education presentation for the Orange County Bar Elder Law & Special Needs Section. Tanis is a Senior Account Executive at Commercial Loan Corporation and specializes in lending to Irrevocable Trusts and Estate so that her clients can qualify for California Proposition 19’s and Proposition 58’s parent to child transfer and avoid property tax reassessment. This presentation is approved by the California Bar for 1.0 MCLE credit.

In the presentation, Tanis will cover understanding the differences in law as they pertain to Parent to Child Transfers under Proposition 19, 58 and 193. Using proper calculations when equalizing distributions and use of Proposition 19’s “transfer of tax base” provision. We welcome any members of the Orange County Bar Association to sign up. Attached is the signup PDF.

Orange County Bar Association – Proposition 19 Loans to Irrevocable Trusts for Proposition 19

If you have questions on California Proposition 58 or Proposition 19, please call us at 877-464-1066.

Inheriting a Home in California – Property Tax Guide. Keeping A Parents Low Property Tax Base.

Inheriting a home in California, Property Tax Guide

Inheriting a home in California, Property Tax Guide

Keep A Parents Low Property Tax Base

Many Californians that are seeking lower property taxes or to keep a parents low property tax base know by now that new property tax relief measures opened up new opportunities for you to take advantage of. If a parent is leaving property to you and your siblings and you’re looking to keep a low property tax base, a loan to an irrevocable trust may be needed to qualify for a California Proposition 19 Parent to Child Exclusion from Property Tax Reassessment.

Highly effective property tax breaks are now available to Californians. If you’re a beneficiary inheriting a home from a parent and the property is currently held in an irrevocable trust; a trust & estate loan to that irrevocable trust is likely required if the trust does not contain sufficient cash to make an equal distribution to all of the child beneficiaries. This is frequently taken advantage of by beneficiaries, perhaps like yourself, who intend to keep a home inherited from parents at the original low property tax base. A loan to an irrevocable trust makes it possible to buyout inherited property shares from co-beneficiaries and greatly speeds up the trust distribution process. A trust loan also saves a great deal of money when compared to selling the family home. Avoiding property reassessment is a property tax relief benefit available to all Californians.

Hands On Experience, Establishing a Low Property Tax Base

If your siblings were receiving their funds from the irrevocable trust by selling the home, they would likely receive far less money. The costs associated with preparing the home for sale, expensive realtor fees and potential closing costs associated with selling the home can be incredibly expensive. When a trust loan is used to facilitate a trust distribution, each beneficiary receives an average of an additional $15,000.00 in distribution when compared to selling the home. The person receiving the family home also benefits greatly. On average our clients save over $6,200.00 a year in property tax savings by avoiding property tax reassessment on an inherited home. Having a specialist to help guide you through some of the advantages of Proposition 19 ends up saving you a lot of money on property taxes.

Trust Loans & Estate Lending in Concert With New Property Tax Breaks

It may sound complicated, but when you speak to your Trust & Estate Attorney, Trust Lender or California Property Tax Consultant, the details become clearer. At Commercial Loan Corporation we specialize in loans to trusts and consistently help Californians inheriting a family home keep their parents low property tax rate. If you are inheriting a home and would like to learn more information on if a loan to an irrevocable trust or a bridge loan is right for you, please call us at 877-464-1066.

Join Us at the 2020 USC Gould Trust & Estate Conference

USC Gould Trust and Estate Conference

USC Gould Trust and Estate Conference

Please join us this November 13th for the Virtual 46th Annual USC Gould Trust and Estate Conference. We are sponsoring the event again this year and will be available to answer any questions you have on Lending to an Irrevocable Trust or Probate Estate. Our loans assist clients in qualifying for the California Prop 58 Parent to Child Exclusion from Property Tax Reassessment on an inherited home.

Tanis Alonso, one of our Trust & Estate Loan Senior Account Executives will be available for Zoom meetings during the Conference or available by phone at (877) 464-1066 to assist you and provide you with more information on our specialized lending programs. Commercial Loan Corporations is one of the only lenders in California who will lend to an Irrevocable Trusts, allowing our clients to meet the California Board of Equalization requirements to qualify for their Exclusion from Reassessment.

If you are interested in attending this years USC Gould Trust and Estate Conference, please visit their website here for more details: Trust & Estate Conference – Los Angeles

This years USC Gould Trust & Estate Conference Features Information on the following

Keynote Presentation: Bending the Arc of History with Terrence Franklin
Practical Topics: Annual Updates, Trustee and Beneficiary Harmony, Anti-SLAPP, Divorce, Stretching Retirement Savings, and Sub-Trust Allocations
CE Credit: MCLE, CPE, CFP, PFB, and CTFA (Pending)

8:30 AM – 8:35 AM (PST)
Welcome and Introductions
8:35 AM – 10:05 AM (PST)
Annual Update: Recent Developments in Probate and Trust and their Practical Applications
10:05 AM – 10:20 AM (PST)
Break Sponsored by Professional Fiduciary Association of California
10:20 AM – 11:20 AM (PST)
Love in the Time of COVID-19: Trustee and Beneficiary Harmony in Years Like 2020
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (PST)
No-Contest Clauses and the Anti-SLAPP Statute: Traps for the Unwary
12:40 PM – 1:20 PM (PST)
Keynote Presentation Sponsored by Signature Resolution: Bending the Arc of History Towards Justice in the Probate Court
1:20 PM – 1:40 PM (PST)
Break Sponsored by Jack Barcal, Esq.
1:40 PM – 2:40 PM (PST)
Tales from the Dark Side: HELP, My Client Is Getting Divorced (or Married, or Remarried). What Do I Do?
2:50 PM – 3:50 PM (PST)
How to Stretch Retirement Savings with a CRUT
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (PST)
Better Late Than Never? The Looming Implications of Late Allocations to Sub-Trusts

For more information on our loans to irrevocable trusts and probate estates, please call us at 877-464-1066. We can provide you or your client with a free cost benefit analysis and let them know exactly how much property saving can be attained by taking advantage of a parent to child property transfer and exclusion from property tax reassessment.

Irrevocable Trust Loan

Irrevocable Trust Loans

Irrevocable Trust Loans

Recently Tanis Alonso, one our Trust & Estate Loan Account Executives was interviewed by the staff at PropertyTaxTransferTrusts.com/  here are some of the highlights of that interview and the full interview can be found here: Trust Loan Interview

We sat in with noted Proposition 58, trust loan expert – Tanis Alonso, at Commercial Loan Corporation in Southern California. Tanis has a uniquely profound, global understanding of the entire trust loan process; and applies a very human, not simply financial, viewpoint to the process ~ as does the entire team at the cloanc.com organization; with a strong, genuine focus on “helping people” not simply implementing financial transactions…

Property Tax Transfer: Thank you so much for agreeing to chat with us about Proposition 58 and trust loans today…

Tanis Alonso: Of course. It’s my pleasure.

Property Tax Transfer: Great. Tanis, can we take a close look at how the basic trust loan process works in California, from your perspective, as a lender – and from the point of view of your average everyday beneficiary, many who need to keep parents property taxes…  Some who want to sell a property they are inheriting from their parents – and of course the other beneficiaries to a trust or estate that are determined to keep that home, and fight that sale. But first, who is your typical caller? Who in the estate or trust scenario tends to reach out to you first?

Tanis Alonso: Basically, whomever is trying to not sell the inherited property – is generally the initial caller to my office. It might be the trustee, frequently at odds with certain beneficiaries… Or very often it’s a family member, one of the beneficiary’s to the trust that doesn’t want to sell that home.

Property Tax Transfer: Got it. So, what does an average Proposition 58 property transfer and trust loan scenario in California look like, contributing to peace of mind for property owners? There must be similar scenarios, that reflect average  trust or estate outcomes all across the state.

Tanis: Absolutely. One of the most common scenarios we see, here at Commercial Loan Corp., are elderly parents, for example… who, sadly, pass away, leaving loved ones behind. So, let’s say there is an estate, or perhaps a trust, and there are three beneficiaries involved… And property is the only asset… Let’s say there are no cash accounts. And this is not uncommon these days.

Property Tax Transfer: Yes, we hear that it’s quite common to see a trust inheritance, or probate estate, where there is very little cash left at the end of the road…

Tanis: Exactly. Parents who pass away in their nineties let’s say, who basically have spent most of their cash assets that were in savings, or in stocks and bonds, and by the time they get into their mid or late nineties, those assets are mostly gone, cashed out or spent –

Property Tax Transfer: OK. So there isn’t much money left in many inheritances… So what do beneficiaries do? When do these conflicts we hear so much about begin, when a house is being inherited by several beneficiaries… some who wish to sell, and some who prefer to keep the property, and to keep parents property taxes?

Tanis: Well, here is a typical middle class inherited real estate scenario – let’s say, for example, there are three beneficiaries and no other assets being inherited except an older home. One beneficiary wants to keep the house, to keep parents property taxes; while the other two siblings prefer to get cash from an immediate house sale, probably through a nearby realtor. But – instead of selling to a buyer, here is where Proposition 58 and a trust loan comes into play, providing liquidity and compliance with the Proposition 58 tax system – furnishing the two siblings who prefer to sell, with enough cash liquidity as if they had sold their shares in the inherited property to a buyer…

Property Tax Transfer: So why not sell? Why the trust loan?

Tanis: Because with a loan to a trust there is the upside of less expense. Frequently, we’re talking about ten times less of an expense than would normally be involved in a house sale. Again, a process compensating beneficiaries through a trust loan, instead of a house sale or coming up with the cash yourself… versus a formal house sale through a realtor that would cost approximately ten times the amount to process the entire scenario, a house sale, with realtor commission and fees, taxes, ancillary costs, etc…

Property Tax Transfer: Paying off the beneficiaries who wanted the cash from a house sale in the first place, right?

Tanis (Commercial Loan Corporation): Exactly. And so the rest of the trust loan goes to pay for 100% of parents Proposition 13 tax base – and the Proposition 58 tax system makes it possible to transfer the property to the beneficiary or beneficiaries that did not want to sell – to keep parents property taxes at the low Proposition 13 tax rate – or involving Proposition 193 if it is real property,  not left by the parents, but by grandparents.

Property Tax Transfer: You say ten times less on expenses versus paying for it yourself?

Tanis Alonso: Absolutely. It costs the families we help far less to get a trust loan from us, believe it or not, then it does if they were to dig into their own savings to complete the Proposition 58 property transfer process.

Property Tax Transfer: How does that translate in terms of real numbers?

Tanis Alonso:  Let’s say a property value is currently one million dollars and the current tax base is $1,200. If they were to get reassessed at current value that would be around $11,000 annually.  By someone keeping the property and obtaining a trust loan to properly buy out their siblings that allows the beneficiary that is keeping the property to keep parents property taxes, to retain 100% of the Proposition 13 tax base that was paid by their parents and keep that low property tax base of $1,200. This of course creates much greater affordability than if they were to improperly buy out their siblings and have that property reassessed. The loan to trust goes hand in hand with the Proposition 58 property tax transfer system, creating enough liquidity to equalize distributions, not sell, and allow a beneficiary to keep their parents property with their low property tax base.

Property Tax Transfer: It sounds counter intuitive, doesn’t it.

Tanis Alonso: I know, it does sound counter intuitive – yet it’s true. All you have to do is run the numbers yourself, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s a better way to be able to keep an inherited house in the family, and to keep parents property taxes, when there is a dispute going on that pits the beneficiary who wants to keep a house against the beneficiaries that want to sell that home. A home that a family has so many memories associated with; with such strong emotional attachments to. There are so many wonderful family memories that are attached to each home. And every home is unique and different in that sense, just as every family member is different and unique.

Property Tax Transfer: You mean emotional memories you can’t replace with cash, in fact you can’t buy for any amount of money.

Tanis Alonso: That’s right. Anyway, this process allows families to keep that home in the family. And that’s the most important point!

Property Tax Transfer: It is the crucial point.

Tanis Alonso: Absolutely. And as a person on the front lines for this firm, neither I or Commercial Loan Corp. view each trust loan scenario as simply a “financial transaction”. Nor do we see the home they’ve lived in for decades as just a “piece of real property”. To us, this a “piece of family history” in the making. And the process a family decision, not a “transaction”. We see our clients as real families that we’re helping, financially and emotionally, not just as clients signing a contract for a trust loan. For us it’s much more than that.

Property Tax Transfer: It’s very obvious that you really enjoy helping people… getting them money when they really need it – and saving them on the cost side in the bargain, with trust loans.

Tanis Alonso: Correct. We see them as real people that we’re able to help in a time of need. For us it’s so much more than cash and property – we don’t view it that way. We’re talking about family history here. Not just “another deal”.

Property Tax Transfer:  Tanis, let me ask you…  Beneficiaries that call your company, desperate to keep parents property taxes;  for any solution to their property transfer / Proposition 58 issue – is it a safe bet to assume that 99% of the time there are elements that come up again and again?

Tanis: Well, that’s true, to a point. With beneficiaries that call us, with a trust or estate situation, there is always real property being inherited, going to one or several beneficiaries… and little, if any, cash – and each family always has different dynamics. There are always differences, as regards the people and details involved. But, the one constant you can be sure of is that there is always someone who wants to sell… and always someone who wants to keep the property they are inheriting… dead set against selling.

Property Tax Transfer: And at the end of the tunnel, is it safe to assume that with your company it’s generally a win-win equation, for everyone involved. Everyone involved, more or less, get what they want, right?

Tanis Alonso (Commercial Loan Corporation): That’s right.  99% of the time. The beneficiary, or beneficiaries, that want cash from the sale of the property that they’re inheriting, get the cash they were looking for, from the trust loan…

Property Tax Transfer: And the beneficiary or beneficiaries that want to keep the house, get to keep that house, and keep parents property taxes…

Tanis: Yes! And let me say that, typically, this is a really, really big win for them – as the siblings that wanted to sell are usually very vocal, and very aggressive about their desire to do so! That beneficiary that wants to keep that property, that is also able to get the other siblings a large amount of cash for their shares in the inherited real estate – while still being able to keep the home they’re so attached to, and keep parents property taxes; keeping parents property tax rate.  This would be practically impossible, were it not for our trust loan. And there’s your win-win equation!

Property Tax Transfer: And what about the cost factor? Costs involved in the equation… How does everyone benefit on that level, getting cash to the beneficiaries that wanted cash from a house sale? Versus coming up with property buyout cash themselves…

Tanis Alonso (Commercial Loan Corporation): OK, so cost involved, selling versus keeping inherited property. I’ll try to keep the equation simple. Costs associated with this property funding process through a trust loan, paying for everything, including beneficiary property shares buyout, taxes, etc. is, on average, 3.5% – So by someone keeping the family property everyone will receive more money than if they were to sell the property at approximately 6.5% in costs. The average trust receives $45,716 more to distribute than if they were to sell the property to some random buyer.  Each beneficiary on average is receiving $16,652 more by someone keeping the property, instead of selling it. And our average annual tax savings is $6,043. We have already saved a combined amount just shy of 1 million dollars for our clients on property taxes. That is a significant benefit for all beneficiaries when someone keeps the property instead of selling it!

PropertyTax Transfer: So you’re saying those savings would have been completely lost, per beneficiary, if they had sold out to a regular buyer…

Tanis Alonso (Commercial Loan Corporation): That’s right. For example, say it’s you and your sister.  A major conflict. You want to keep the house you’re all inheriting from your parents, plus keep parents property taxes. Why should I let my sister sell? The solution there is because you are going to get more cash in your hands than if you were to sell the property! That’s the bottom line. A trust loan transaction takes 7-10 business days whereas selling will take a few months. Everyone receives more money, more rapidly, then if they were to sell the property on the open market. Everyone benefits from this… it’s win-win all the way around.

PropertyTaxTransfer: So you let your sister sell, so everyone wins – is what you’re saying.

Tanis: Of course! Let her sell, let her get her way – and you end up getting your way… you get what you wanted, to keep your house with everyone paid off and happy. No more conflict. On a $500,000 property – do you want to spend 6.5% to sell that property, with a realtor, or 3.5% through our trust loan, in keeping with the Proposition 58 tax system? Which number would you want to give away, 6.5% or 3.5%?

Property Tax Transfer: Naturally. So the long range picture looks like increases in taxes as well, so that’s not as affordable either.

Tanis: Absolutely right. In certain cases a property tax reassessment can add an extra $700 to $1000 per month to your property taxes. That’s an extra $1,000 per month – not per year! Month after month. That is affordability vs not affordability to many.

Property Tax Transfer: Going through the Proposition 58 tax system, with the trust loan paying everyone off…  What would property taxes look like going down that road?

Tanis: OK so the question is, “why do I need a trust loan to buy out beneficiaries who want to sell our inherited house?”  The answer is you can still keep the house you’re inheriting, and not spend any of your own money in the process.  The importance of the trust loan is that you can buy out your siblings and still keep parents property taxes. You keep 100% of the low Proposition 13 property tax base that was originally paid by your parents.  If you were to use your own money to buy out your siblings, the State Board of Equalization would see that as a sibling buying out a sibling – and that would definitely trigger a property tax reassessment. Naturally, the result of that would be higher taxes.  So you need the trust loan to buy out your siblings in order to take advantage of Proposition 58, and keep the low property tax base.

Property Tax Transfer: Most people don’t have that kind of cash on hand nor do they want to use all of their cash for this just to buy out beneficiaries in an estate setting. Especially if the numbers go higher…

Tanis Alonso (Commercial Loan Corporation):  Beneficiaries who want to keep their inherited property still put a lot more money in their pocket, still save a lot more,  by not using their own funds…  by buying out beneficiaries that want to sell by going the trust loan route.  Staying within the discounted Proposition 13 tax base, being able to keep parents property taxes … taking advantage of the  Proposition 58 property tax system, or tax shelter.  Using this tax shelter  that we looked at before, if you recall – would be around $1,200 per year on a million dollar property.  Saving thousands of dollars annually on property taxes by taking advantage of Proposition 58; keeping their parents low property tax base.

Property Tax Transfer: Yes, the difference in the numbers are stunning.

Tanis Alonso (Commercial Loan Corporation):  Yes it is.  So if you use your own money to buy out your siblings you will trigger a reassessment… if that was reassessed normally, without doing the property transfer and beneficiary payoff with our trust loan – you’d be looking at an $11,000 tax hit per year on the same million dollar property!  If reassessed at the current, present day, base rate – that tax hit goes up 10 times. A significant difference in cash back in your pocket after it’s all done and said. Trust loans are a huge benefit for all of these families and that’s how we’re able to really help people in a significant way.

Property Tax Transfer: The amount of money saved really is remarkable.  And I can see that you genuinely enjoy helping your clients save a great deal of money with these trust loans. Making great use of the low Proposition 13 base rate, and the Proposition 58 property transfer tax shelter… The formula works!

Tanis Alonso: Absolutely. And helping people in this way is what it’s all about! That entire viewpoint is the basis for this whole company, from the top down – starting with the CEO, who is a truly terrific guy, who genuinely loves helping people, with money, memories, and time. And you can’t replace memories and time!

Property Tax Transfer:  You can’t replace memories and time… Very well put!  That is a concept to remember.

Tanis Alonso: It is so important to remember, when you truly care about what happens to the people you’re helping.

Property Tax Transfer: Very true.  Your clients are lucky to have you folks working for them.  Thanks so much for speaking with us today.

Tanis Alonso: Thank you.  It was a great pleasure chatting with you.

If you have questions about a loan for an Irrevocable Trust, or about California Proposition 58, please call Tanis at 877-464-1066.


Non Pro Rata Distribution Loans For Trusts and Estates

Non Pro Rata Distribution Loans For Trusts and Estates

Non Pro Rata Distribution Loans For Trusts and Estates – Call Commercial Loan Corporation at 877-464-1066

Non Pro Rata Distribution Loans For Trusts and Estates

Commercial Loan Corporation is one of California’s leading providers of loans to trusts and estates. Our specialized mortgage infuses a trust or estate with cash so that a non pro rata distribution can be made. A non pro rata distribution occurs when each heir or beneficiary receives an equal proportion of the entire estate or trust distribution but not of each asset. When a trust or estate does not hold sufficient cash assets, our loan provides the trust or estate with the cash needed to equalize the distribution or payout of the estate. This allows one of the beneficiaries or heirs to keep an inherited home and take advantage of the Proposition 58 tax benefit; which allows the California Proposition 13 protected low tax base from their parent to be transferred to the child who is inheriting the home.

On average our Non Pro Rata Trust Distribution and Probate Estate Distribution Loans save clients over $6,200 per year in property taxes. Our process is quick and easy.  In fact we can often times complete a non pro rata loan in as little as 7 business days. Our loan is made directly to the trust.

If you, a family member or a client that you represent requires a California Proposition 58 Non Pro Rate Distribution Loan, please call us at 877-464-1066. Even if you are attempting to distribute and irrevocable trust, we have loan programs that can assist you. We can answer any questions you have on our non pro rate distribution loans and provide you with a free cost benefit analysis to see if one of our trust and estate loans makes sense for you.


We Make Loans To Irrevocable Trusts Easy

California Lender for Loans to Irrevocable Trusts - The Cash You Need To Distribute A Trust

Commercial Loan Corporation is a California Lender specializing in Loans to Irrevocable Trusts. We lend the cash you need to distribute a trust and receive your proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on an inherited home.

Loans to Irrevocable Trusts in California

When it comes time to distribute an irrevocable trust and funds are needed to make an equal distribution, you will find that most lenders are unwilling to lend on real estate that is held in a trust. This becomes extremely problematic if you plan on filing for a California Proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on real estate being inherited from a parent.

One of the requirements to qualify for an exclusion from property reassessment is for the trust to make an equal distribution of the trust assets to all child beneficiaries. Often times that is not possible to do if one of the trust assets is an expensive piece of California real estate. In the situation where a home is creating an unequal trust distribution, a mortgage or third party loan must be taken out to infuse the trust with enough cash so that the equal distribution can be made. That way one child receives the encumbered property while others receive cash and or other assets, equalizing the distribution of the trust. The state does not allow for the acquiring beneficiary to use their own funds to equalize the distribution. Doing so would create a sibling to sibling buyout and make the beneficiary ineligible for an exclusion from reassessment. That is why a third party loan is required. The problem is that most California lenders will require that the property be removed from the trust in order to lend on the home. Unfortunately, once that is done, you have jeopardized your ability to qualify for the Prop 58 property tax reassessment exclusion since the assets of the trust were distributed unevenly at that point.

The solution is to have a mortgage placed on the home while the property is still held in the irrevocable trust. That is where Commercial Loan Corporation comes in. We are a leading California lender of mortgages for homes held in an irrevocable trust. What makes us unique is that we lend to the trust as opposed to a beneficiary; allowing the beneficiary to qualify for the California Proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on a home inherited from a parent.

If you, a client, or someone that you know is in need of a loan to a trust, please have them call us at 877-464-1066. We specialize in the process and can answer any questions that they may have. We can also provide them with a free loan benefit proposal. The proposal compares the cost of the trust loan to the benefits received from a Prop 58 parent to child property transfer, ensuring that the trust loan is beneficial.  We can also determine how much additional funds you would receive by maximizing your trust distribution. On average we help clients distribute an additional $42,000 to beneficiaries my maximizing their trust distribution.

Call Us At 877-464-1066

Orange County Bar Association Trust & Estate 2018 Holiday Social

Orange County Bar Association Trust & Estate 2018 Holiday Social

Please Join Commercial Loan Corporation at the Orange County Bar Association Trust & Estate 2018 Holiday Social

Orange County 2018 Holiday Social

Please join Commercial Loan Corporation at the 2018 Orange County Bar Trust & Estate Holiday Social. The event is being held on December 6th, 2018 at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point. Both Mike Riggs and Tanis Alonso will be attending the event from the Commercial Loan Corporation Trust & Estate Lending Department.  They can answer any questions that you may have on our loans to trusts and estates. We are experts on 3rd party financing to trusts and estates to help our clients preserve a parents property tax base on an inherited home.

Third Party Trusts & Estate Loans To Keep A Parents Property Tax Base On An Inherited Home.

If you will not be able to attend the Trust & Estate Holiday Social, but would like more information on our trust loans, estate loans or a loan to a home in probate; please call us at 877-464-1066. We can give you a free estimate on how much you might be able to save by preserving the property tax base on an inherited home. We assist both clients and attorneys with matters regarding California Proposition 58. For additional information on our trust loan programs or to apply for a trust or estate loan online, please visit this trust and estate loan page on our website.

You can register for the Orange County 2018 Holiday Social Here:
Register online at www.ocbar.org

Lending To A Home In A Trust – USC Trust And Estate Conference

USC Trust And Estate Conference

USC Trust And Estate Conference

Lending To A Home In A Trust In California

Please visit our table at the USC Gould School of Law 44th Annual Trust & Estate Conference on 11/16/2018. Mike Riggs & Tanis Alonso will be available to answer all of your questions on lending to a property held in a trust and how to preserve a property tax base on an inherited property in California. We will be hosting a table at the event from 7:AM to 3:PM and look forward to seeing your there. Exhibit hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the California Ballroom Foyer. The Ballroom Foyer is located on the 2nd floor. Exhibit tables are located in close proximity to the general sessions.

Loans To Trusts & Estate Properties

If you will not be able to attend the event, but have questions on loans to trusts and properties in a probate estate, please call us at 877-464-1066. We can assist you in understanding how you or a client can benefit from California Proposition 58 by transferring a parents low property tax rate to a child inheriting a home. Commercial Loan Corporation specializes in providing loans to property held in a trusts, including irrevocable trusts so that this can be accomplished. Our trust loans are Prop 58 compliant and allow for an equal distribution of the trust to be made using third party funds.

Click here for a link to use USC Gould School of Law Trust & Estate Flyer for details on how to attending and visit our booth on Loans to Trusts in California.

Loans To Trusts – Trust and Estate Conference.pdf

California Loans to Trusts

California Loans to Trusts, Estates and On Homes Being Inherited From A Parent.

California Loans to Trusts, Estates and On Homes Being Inherited From A Parent.

California Loans to Trusts, Estates & Inherited Homes

Commercial Loan Corporation is a California direct lender for real estate and homes in trusts, irrevocable trusts, estates, probate and on homes being inherited from a deceased parent. Trust and Estate lending is our specialty. We offer custom loan programs to meet your specific needs. Our specialized loans provide our clients with the cash needed to allow each beneficiary, heir or sibling to receive an equal portion of the assets from a trust or inheritance. This allows one person to inherit real estate while others receive cash or cash and other assets. Our trust loans are affordable and usually cost far less than the fees associated with selling a property saving money for everyone involved. We are a direct lender and can close your loan in as little as 7 days. This allows beneficiaries and heirs to receive their proceeds much faster than if a home is to be sold.

Often times it is our clients desire to retain a parents low California Proposition 13 Property Tax Base on the home being inherited. Our loan provides the funds necessary for an equal distribution to be made and to accomplish this. On Average we are able to save our clients over $6,000 a year in property tax payments by keeping a parents low property tax base. Most lenders are unwilling to lend to a trust or do not have the knowledge or capability to provide financing to irrevocable trusts, estates, probate or on a property being inherited from a parent. We are a California lender that specializes in loans to trust and loans to estates. Our loans are California Proposition 58 compliant and we can help walk you or your attorney through the process of avoiding the reassessment or an inherited home. We have partnered with a California Property Tax Consultant with over 20 years of experience in the California Property Tax Assessors Office. We can help simplify what is typically a complicated process and help you avoid property tax reassessment on a home being inherited from a parent.

For more information on our trust and estate loan programs or to determine how much you might be able to save in property taxes, please call us at 877-464-1066 or complete this quick online request form located here:  Online Trust & Estate Loan Request Form