Residential Property Tax Specialists

California Residential Property Tax Specialist, Proposition 13 and Proposition 58

California Residential Property Tax Specialists

The Importance Of Working With A Residential Property Tax Specialist

Working with the right business professionals can make all the difference. When it comes time to secure a Proposition 58 Exclusion From Property Tax Reassessment, through Prop 58, that could not be more true. The process of obtaining your exclusion from property tax reassessment can be littered with pitfalls. Even just one small mistake can be the difference between obtaining an exclusion or not. Retaining a Parent’s or Grandparent’s low Proposition 13 property tax rate can save you potentially thousands of dollars each year. That is why it is important to have a good Private Money Lender, Attorney and or California Property Tax Specialist on your side to help guide you.

When providing clients with a third party loan to a trust, we always recommend that they work with either a Trust & Estate Attorney, Qualified Trust Administrator and or a Property Tax Specialist. Attorneys and Residential Property Tax Specialists provide different services. Some California Residential Property Tax Consultants specialize in assisting clients in obtaining a Proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment. Their expertise in these matters can be invaluable. The best of them even have experience working for the County as a Property Tax Assessor. This gives them a great deal of insight into what the assessors office will need in order to grant your exclusion. It can be especially helpful in complex situations where time is of the essence. In California, you only have three years to file for the exclusion from property tax reassessment. A long process can also delay the distribution of a trust in some cases.

The complexities of obtaining an exclusion from property tax reassessment should not be understated. Unless you deal with California’s Proposition 58 Exclusions From Property Tax Reassessments on a regular basis, it can be difficult to avoid mishaps.  Here are just a few examples of issues that a qualified California Property Tax Consultant can assist you with.

Common Proposition 58 Exclusion From Property Tax Reassessment Mistakes:

Not conducting the 3rd party financing properly and causing a property tax reassessment to occur.

Not keeping track of each eligible transferor’s $1 million limit; thereby exceeding the $1 million limit and triggering a reassessment for the overage.

Avoiding situations where an acquiring beneficiary lends money to the trust when funds are needed to make an even distribution. The California Board of Equalization views this as a child buying out another child as opposed to a parent to child transfer. The exclusion for reassessment requires a transfer from parent to child.

These are just a few examples of circumstances where a California Property Tax Specialist can assist you. If you are in need of a third party loan for a trust, a qualified Trust & Estate Attorney or a Property Tax Consultant referral, please call us at 877-464-1066 so that we may assist you.

If you are a California Trust & Estate Attorney, Probate Attorney, Fiduciary, Estate Planner, CPA, Wealth Manager or Property Tax Specialist and would like to be added to our list of Trust & Estate Professionals, please use the following link to apply to become a Commercial Loan Corporation recommend Trust & Estate Professional. Credentials will be reviewed and verified.

Trust & Estate Professionals Link


Trust & Estate Professionals


Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust and Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust and Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust & Estate Loan Calculator

Are you are considering taking out a third party loan in order to equalize a trust or estate distribution and take advantage of California’s Proposition 58’s exclusion for Property Tax Reassessment? The act of doing so has saved some of our clients thousands of dollars annually and in most situations it makes sense to do so if you plan on keeping the home for more than just a few years. To make sure that the loan is financially beneficial, it is important to compare the costs of the loan with the expected property tax savings. At Commercial Loan Corporation we do not want to provide a loan to a client if it is not in their best interest and that is why we have created the Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator.

Our easy to use trust mortgage calculator only requires you to enter a few fields of information and then does the rest of the work for you! Simply input the current value of the property in question, the number of siblings who have an interest in the property, the existing low Proposition 13 protected property tax rate and your desired loan amount. From there we can estimate everything from your Prop 58 Property Tax Savings, your proposed loan costs and the time it will take you to recoup your loan expenses. Here is an example of what our easy to use Trust Loan Benefit Calculator looks like:

Trust Loan Calculators

Trust Loan Calculators

Try Out The Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Our Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator is free and easy to use. Click here to try it our for yourself. If you have any problems using the calculator, or have questions on trust or estate loans or would like to start the loan process, please call us at 877-464-1066. The Trust Loan Calculator is meant for estimation purposes only. When we speak with you, we will provide you with a detailed trust loan cost estimate and help you to determine you exact Proposition 58 property tax savings. Often times we are able to complete your trust loan process in under 10 days!