California Trust And Estate Attorneys

California Trust And Estate Attorneys

When setting up a trust or dealing with trust and estate matters, finding a qualified Trust & Estate Attorney is highly advised! You can save money attempting to handle some items yourself, but be warned that making mistakes can sometimes end up being very costly.

This is especially true if you are inheriting a home from a parent and it is your goal, or a siblings goal to use Proposition 58 to keep a parents low property tax base. In many cases a trust or estate contains a variety of assets including cash and material items in addition to real estate. When there are multiple beneficiaries involved, and one of the beneficiaries wants to keep the home, the distribution can be complicated. If not handled correctly, you may lose your ability to receive an Exclusion From Property Reassessment. This can cause the homes value to be reassessed when transferred and in turn the property taxes may skyrocket.

Commercial Loan Corporation provides financing to Trusts and Estates to help you receive an exclusion from property reassessment. By doing so, we save our clients on average over $6,000 a year in property taxes. We are constantly working with qualified Attorneys and Property Tax Consultants in California to help their clients with Proposition 58 property transfers. If you are in need of financing to assist a trust or estate, or are looking for a Trust & Estate Attorney in your area to assist you, please call us at 877-464-1066. We would be happy to refer you to a California Trust & Estate Attorney that we have worked with in the past and who is knowledgeable on Proposition 58 and the parent to child property tax transfer process.

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