Orange County Bar Association Trust & Estate 2018 Holiday Social

Please Join Commercial Loan Corporation at the Orange County Bar Association Trust & Estate 2018 Holiday Social

Orange County 2018 Holiday Social

Please join Commercial Loan Corporation at the 2018 Orange County Bar Trust & Estate Holiday Social. The event is being held on December 6th, 2018 at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point. Both Mike Riggs and Tanis Alonso will be attending the event from the Commercial Loan Corporation Trust & Estate Lending Department.  They can answer any questions that you may have on our loans to trusts and estates. We are experts on 3rd party financing to trusts and estates to help our clients preserve a parents property tax base on an inherited home.

Third Party Trusts & Estate Loans To Keep A Parents Property Tax Base On An Inherited Home.

If you will not be able to attend the Trust & Estate Holiday Social, but would like more information on our trust loans, estate loans or a loan to a home in probate; please call us at 877-464-1066. We can give you a free estimate on how much you might be able to save by preserving the property tax base on an inherited home. We assist both clients and attorneys with matters regarding California Proposition 58. For additional information on our trust loan programs or to apply for a trust or estate loan online, please visit this trust and estate loan page on our website.

You can register for the Orange County 2018 Holiday Social Here:
Register online at

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