Loans to Irrevocable Trusts in California
Irrevocable Trust Loans
Commercial Loan Corporation is a California Private Money Lender that specializes in loans to irrevocable trusts. Due to the complexity and risks associated with lending to trusts, most lenders will not provide this type of finance. Loans to irrevocable trusts is our primary business focus.
If you are a trust administrator and require a trust loan to provide the cash needed for an equal trust distribution, please call us. Our specialized irrevocable trust loans can help provide the liquidity needed to allow for an equal distribution. Our loans can help a beneficiary who is inheriting real estate qualify for a California Prop 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment. Taking advantage of the Proposition 58 property tax reassessment exclusion can save potentially several thousands of dollars a year in property taxes.
If you are interested in receiving a loan for an irrevocable trust or have questions on the trust loan process, please call us at 877-464-1066. We can help you determine if a trust loan is right for your situation and if you may qualify for Proposition 58.