Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust and Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust and Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Trust & Estate Loan Calculator

Are you are considering taking out a third party loan in order to equalize a trust or estate distribution and take advantage of California’s Proposition 58’s exclusion for Property Tax Reassessment? The act of doing so has saved some of our clients thousands of dollars annually and in most situations it makes sense to do so if you plan on keeping the home for more than just a few years. To make sure that the loan is financially beneficial, it is important to compare the costs of the loan with the expected property tax savings. At Commercial Loan Corporation we do not want to provide a loan to a client if it is not in their best interest and that is why we have created the Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator.

Our easy to use trust mortgage calculator only requires you to enter a few fields of information and then does the rest of the work for you! Simply input the current value of the property in question, the number of siblings who have an interest in the property, the existing low Proposition 13 protected property tax rate and your desired loan amount. From there we can estimate everything from your Prop 58 Property Tax Savings, your proposed loan costs and the time it will take you to recoup your loan expenses. Here is an example of what our easy to use Trust Loan Benefit Calculator looks like:

Trust Loan Calculators

Trust Loan Calculators

Try Out The Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator

Our Trust & Estate Loan Benefit Calculator is free and easy to use. Click here to try it our for yourself. If you have any problems using the calculator, or have questions on trust or estate loans or would like to start the loan process, please call us at 877-464-1066. The Trust Loan Calculator is meant for estimation purposes only. When we speak with you, we will provide you with a detailed trust loan cost estimate and help you to determine you exact Proposition 58 property tax savings. Often times we are able to complete your trust loan process in under 10 days!


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