Commercial Loan Corporation is a California Lender specializing in Loans to Irrevocable Trusts. We lend the cash you need to distribute a trust and receive your proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on an inherited home.
Loans to Irrevocable Trusts in California
When it comes time to distribute an irrevocable trust and funds are needed to make an equal distribution, you will find that most lenders are unwilling to lend on real estate that is held in a trust. This becomes extremely problematic if you plan on filing for a California Proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on real estate being inherited from a parent.
One of the requirements to qualify for an exclusion from property reassessment is for the trust to make an equal distribution of the trust assets to all child beneficiaries. Often times that is not possible to do if one of the trust assets is an expensive piece of California real estate. In the situation where a home is creating an unequal trust distribution, a mortgage or third party loan must be taken out to infuse the trust with enough cash so that the equal distribution can be made. That way one child receives the encumbered property while others receive cash and or other assets, equalizing the distribution of the trust. The state does not allow for the acquiring beneficiary to use their own funds to equalize the distribution. Doing so would create a sibling to sibling buyout and make the beneficiary ineligible for an exclusion from reassessment. That is why a third party loan is required. The problem is that most California lenders will require that the property be removed from the trust in order to lend on the home. Unfortunately, once that is done, you have jeopardized your ability to qualify for the Prop 58 property tax reassessment exclusion since the assets of the trust were distributed unevenly at that point.
The solution is to have a mortgage placed on the home while the property is still held in the irrevocable trust. That is where Commercial Loan Corporation comes in. We are a leading California lender of mortgages for homes held in an irrevocable trust. What makes us unique is that we lend to the trust as opposed to a beneficiary; allowing the beneficiary to qualify for the California Proposition 58 exclusion from property tax reassessment on a home inherited from a parent.
If you, a client, or someone that you know is in need of a loan to a trust, please have them call us at 877-464-1066. We specialize in the process and can answer any questions that they may have. We can also provide them with a free loan benefit proposal. The proposal compares the cost of the trust loan to the benefits received from a Prop 58 parent to child property transfer, ensuring that the trust loan is beneficial. We can also determine how much additional funds you would receive by maximizing your trust distribution. On average we help clients distribute an additional $42,000 to beneficiaries my maximizing their trust distribution.
Call Us At 877-464-1066